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Thermage® Skin Care Treatment in Falls Church, VA

Full-Body Skin Rejuvenation in One Treatment

No matter how healthy and fit a person may be, time invariably produces some undesirable effects on the appearance of skin. It is not just delicate facial skin that can be affected by the years — unwelcome sags, lumps, dimples, and wrinkles usually appear on other parts of the body as well. Fortunately, a revolutionary heat energy procedure called Thermage can help reverse these less-than-desirable aspects of the aging process — and it works in just one treatment.

Thermage uses advanced energy technology to prompt the body's natural healing response into reinvigorating the appearance of loose or sagging skin. The treatment targets specific areas of the face or body with radiofrequency energy that infiltrates the deep tissue beneath the skin to stimulate collagen transformation at the first level. During the treatment process, a mixture of cooling effects and gentle vibrations helps ensure the patient's comfort.

Many patients say they are able to see clear results in as little as one day after their Thermage session. The effects of the treatment continue to build as the skin's collagen renews itself, firming and contouring the skin for as long as six months post-treatment. For more information about this process, visit the Thermage website.

Safe & Tested Clinical Aesthetic Treatments in Northern Virginia

Thermage is popular among medical professionals for its safety, success rate and long-lasting results. As the original radiofrequency aesthetic treatment, Thermage has a history of more than 10 years and 1 million treatments. While other skin care procedures require multiple sessions before the patient begins to see improvement, Thermage is unique in that only one treatment is necessary — and there is no recovery time or additional care needed.

Questions about Thermage? Call the skin care professionals at One U Aesthetics!

At One U Aesthetics, we can work with you to turn back the clock on the aging process by assessing your individual needs and crafting a tailored program to help you reach your specific goals. Our team of medical professionals is committed to the well-being, safety, and happiness of our patients, which is why we work closely with every person to help them achieve the results they want. If you are interested in Thermage or have questions about one of our other safe and effective skin rejuvenation procedures, schedule your complimentary consultation today by calling our office.

Injectables Skin Rejuvenation Skin Care Products